A: For online orders of at least AUD 300, there is no handling fee. For in-store purchases, there is a handling fee of AUD 5 for transactions less than AUD 200.
A: Unfortunately, you may not specify the denominations you wish to receive in your order. However, you will receive a mixture of both low and high denominations, depending on the availability of the currency you order.
A: After place your order, please allow ten minutes for a confirmation email to arrive in your inbox. After ten minutes have passed with no email, check your junk mail to be sure it isn’t there. If you still see no confirmation email from us, email us at info@redrate.com.au or call us at +61 2 92 61 09 79.
A: Payment for your purchase is due when you collect your currency at the store. Currently, the majority of our branches accept cash only. Please contact the branch for more details.
A: No. But you can cancel your order and place a new one. To do so, click “Orders” at the top of the home page, enter your order number and pick up code, then press “Go.” On the next page, click “Details” and you will find “Cancel Order” at the bottom of the page. Click “Cancel Order.”
A: Yes. Click “Orders” at the top of the home page, enter your order number and pick up code, then press “Go.” On the next page, click “Details” and you will find “Cancel Order” at the bottom of the page. Click “Cancel Order.”
A: All RedRate Exchange online transactions are protected by highly secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. All data are encrypted to protect stolen personal data from illegal use.